U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status | |||||||||
SHOUTcast Server Version 1.9.5/Linux | |||||||||
Current Stream Information |
Server Status: | Server is currently up and private. |
Stream Status: | Stream is up at 128 kbps with 4 of 50 listeners (2 unique) |
Listener Peak: | 6 |
Average Listen Time: | 139h 58m 22s |
Stream Title: | Bide&Musique - variete alternative francophone 60-70-80 - alternate french oldies - live from Paris France 24h/24 - no ads |
Content Type: | audio/mpeg |
Stream Genre: | 70s 80s 60s pop oldies |
Stream URL: | http://www.bide-et-musique.com/programme-webradio.html |
Stream AIM: | N/A |
Stream IRC: | N/A |
Current Song: |
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Copyright Nullsoft Inc. 1998-2004 |